A human being will never develop more rapidly than between the age of 0 and 7. That is the time when a child acquires numerous skills, like hand-eye coordination, creative expression, problem-solving and many more. Having the right equipment is crucial if you want to maximize the development process in children. Luckily, we offer just the right range of preschool outdoor play equipment so that children can be physically active, have fun, and also develop motor and cognitive skills.
Not so long ago, preschool outdoor play was considered to be secondary compared to the traditional way of acquiring knowledge, like attending school. It was thought that play only served the purpose of physical skills development through exercise and play (Frost & Wortham, 1988). However, it was overlooked that merry go rounds for instance also encourage social activity, meaning that children not only develop their physical motor skills, but also learn how to interact with other children in an appropriate way.
Choosing the right equipment for a playground even goes so far as to stimulate dramatic play – a crucial segment of a child’s character (Shin & Frost, 1995). So what can you, as a purchaser of playground equipment, do to gain the best value for money when creating a playground? You will be pleased to know that it does not matter whether you are equipping a city park, a church yard, a day care center or an apartment complex. You are at the right place because we have just what you need to create a useful, yet very fun playground.
During the 90s, many reports indicated that playgrounds can be dangerous, in addition to being marginalized. Soon thereafter, designers around the world began to come up with revolutionary preschool outdoor play equipment for children that were safer and cognitively more challenging for children, in addition to being modernized and adapted to tickle every child’s imagination. We have been incorporating old and new ideas and have come up with a collection of imaginative, innovative and fun equipment, which plays a pivotal role in children’s cognitive development.
There is a wide array of equipment to choose from with the most popular being swing sets, slides, and spring riders. Our experts will answer any questions you may have if you have never bought outdoor play equipment for children. There is a wide range of items to consider, but you will get all the help you need in creating a perfect playground for children to explore for hours. All in all, you have come to a world of diverse, intelligent and playfully designed playground equipment that suits every child’s needs.